
14hh forward pinto mare



Salsa is a forward and fast 10yo mare, who needs a teen or small adult with good hands. She is a bold mare, who has been taken out to various training/fun days, the beach and does lots of bush rides. She isn’t scared of much, and is great fun for someone who is confident and able to go forward with her. She would be a good 2nd or even 3rd pony, and tries so very hard for the right rider.
She has been handled by lots of different people, and i feel is very over that now. One of her biggest issues is with the farrier. You need a farrier that can work with her. I have no problems picking up her feet, but she has been manhandled a lot, and wants a more sensitive approach. Most other ground things she is good with, good to float, can be ridden by herself, or with others (so long as she knows them or they give her her mare space!!!). She is a definite mare in the paddock, and will try to place herself at the top of the herd, but settles given time.
She is a good doer, doesn’t need anything complicated feed wise and we use her with just a snaffle bit.
Price is negotiable, and trial on the property is possible, i would definitely like to see someone ride her a few times to make sure they are a good match, as she will be superb with the right person.
I have got video of her, but not very good at attaching….

Contact Seller

    Julie Osborne
  • Member Since:
    2nd July, 2008

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