Allan “ Al Guerrero”

Allan the quality STB gelding



Allan, 15'1 STB Gelding – Available for Part-Lease in Cardup
We are looking for a part-lease for Allan to share with me, as I have recently experienced some lifestyle changes that have limited my time with him. Allan thrives on attention and work, and we would love for him to continue his training and activities with someone who can provide that.
Allan has been in consistent work since the start of last year, re-educated by Lokenzo Park, and has competed successfully in numerous shows. Some of his highlights include:
Placing well in Score Card Showdown, Dual Code, and Standardbred Encouragement Show
Winning Champion at Murray Matchy Match
Placing 3rd at the Kulin Bush Races
Completing his first dressage test with scores of 71.3% and 68%, and bringing home the Champion ribbon
Allan is a versatile horse, always willing to give new things a go. He walks, trots, and canters in the arena and is happy to jump logs and cavalettis. He can sometimes be behind the leg but does not require a crop to encourage forward movement – he is more "woah" than "go."
Vices & Considerations:
Allan was late gelded, so he can be a bit difficult to trail ride in a group with other geldings, as he tends to get hot and may break into pace when distracted. He is not suitable for a beginner rider but is otherwise a safe, reliable mount with no bad behavior under saddle.

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    Lili Mustoe
  • Member Since:
    13th January, 2022

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