Summer is a gorgeous mare who will excel at any discipline you choose: great mover, greart jump and loves cross country.
Summer has been to EA & PCAWA show jump comps, hack shows, ag shows & combine trainings. In her most recent comp (Busselton Winter Show Jumping) she placed in every class, from 75 - 1m over the two days. Summer has been on cross country courses and loves it - confident and forward going. Shes been in the indoor a few times (not at all spooky) and loves the beach.
Summer is a trustworthy mare who lets little kids ride her (and the dog) but being young she isn't a beginner's pony and needs a confident rider to exceed her potential. Summer is a good doer, low maintenance and totally sound, she has no vices; easy to shoe, float, teeth and I haven't needed to clip as she has a super coat and always shiny! Summer lives on a farm so is fine with trucks, tractors, motorbikes and livestock.
Summer would suit a competition home for a keen teen or a small adult rider and shes lovely mare to have around the barn.
please call or text on 0487334033 if interested
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