
Leadline and First Ridde Pony



Willow - Looking for her next rider and human companion.
Black Bay - 8yr old 11hh Welsh x Andalusian Pony.
Not registered
Have owned Willow since she was weaned. My daughter and Willow have grown up together in their journey. Starting off as leadline and graduating to off lead.
Off line: She is the type of pony to keep kids on their toes when riding, She would rather be eating then going forward. So will teach her rider to keep focused and give clear direction aids.
Online: Willow is a gem online and takes her ques from the one leading. Both close lead and at a distance. She has done alot horsemanship training and her circle work is good with or without rider.
Other experience: Willow has done pretty much everything but showing (just not our scene). Clinics, babysat young horses, pony riding for large crowds of kids, Trail riding, beach days, camping out weekends. And importantly plenty of hours under the saddle in all three paces.
She's currently coming back into off line work. Has Dentist booked soon and up to date with everything else.

Contact Seller

    Jessica Auditore
  • Member Since:
    10th June, 2021

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