Gwynnellie Bryn

Registered Welsh Cob Gelding



Bryn is an unbroken, registered Section D Welsh gelding.  He is a very intelligent and confident horse.   Maturing on a farm he has spent his youth paddocked with other horses and cows, swimming in rivers, and having a whale of a time.  Bryn has just turned three and  we would love to find him his forever home.  
Bryn has correct conformation and extravagant paces.
He has decided people are good and is keen and interested.  Bryn  has been well handled, he will tie up and is happy to be brushed, rugged, washed and have his feet trimmed.  He has been float trained.  
Bryn  is a great type and would suit any discipline.  A Welsh Cob with their sensible reliable natures are a gift for those looking to have a really enjoyable  and relaxed  ride everytime.  

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    megan Braunstein
  • Member Since:
    27th November, 2024

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