Descaview Spring Edition

Talented Warmblood Mare – Priced to Sell



Asta is a lovely warmblood mare with correct confirmation, movement and super scope.  Her Dam  is a Performance Mare (Descarado Montana II) with an exceptional jump (see Photos) who hails from Snowview Holsteiner bloodlines going back to include original WA Barrabadeen Stud imports Wildfeuer and Talisman. Montana was successfully jumped at 1.35m - 1.40m before being sold to my daughter Nikita, when Nikita was only 11 years old.  Montana is also 50% pure Spanish Andalusian and registered with the AHAA.  This makes Asta not only eligible for Registration with ACE and AWHA but also as an Andalusian Warmblood (25%).  
Asta is by the stunning Holsteiner stallion Rangeview Landstrom (Arvada Warmbloods - see Photos). Landstrom's sire Lander (imp) is also the sire of Holstein Park Leilani who represented Australia in Eventing at the 2012 London Olympics and also won the Aachen World Equestrian Festival CHIO Eventing 2013. RV Fabia (dam) is by the Prix St George Dressage stallion Heini and carries the Monopol (imp) and Flaneur (imp) bloodlines.   Asta would therefore also be a valuable addition to any competition breeding program, including those incorporating Andalusian lines.
Asta was professionally backed by the very well known Show Jumping rider David Goodwin and her education furthered with Siri Spranz.  She has had a year of competition exposure when on lease to a Perth rider a couple of years ago and would do well at any discipline.  She is very bold, loves jumping and at her 1st time XC didn't bat an eyelid at anything, thoroughly enjoying the outing and going clear.
Her price for a quality warmblood mare under saddle and with good basic education on the flat is greatly reduced as my daughter isn't riding at the moment and Asta has been sitting in a paddock doing nothing for the past 2 years.  With the lack of regular attention and work, Asta is fat/in paddock condition and although great under saddle, she can sometimes be a bit difficult and opinionated on the ground.  Having been brought up with the right foundations and professional training, there is nothing unmanageable that an experienced horse person can't handle with positive reinforcement, a bit of re-education and regular interaction to build a relationship of trust.  
She will only be sold to the right person and is a "people oriented" horse who deserves a long term one-on-one partnership with an experienced, knowledgeable and caring competition and/or breeding home.   
Please contact Charis Neumann or Nikita Mawhirt for more details. 

Contact Seller

    Charis Neumann
  • Member Since:
    17th November, 2008

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